Notification Previews

Sending Previews

During notification creation a real-time Preview shows on the right side of the page. The platform preview is a best-guess at how this notification will look across the most common devices for the selected operating system.

While this preview is a good indication of what the notification may look like at time of delivery, you may want to see it exactly as it would appear on your device or send a preview to the rest of your team to get feedback or approval.

After you have constructed the Content portion of your notification, you have two options to send previews:

  1. Send Personal Preview: A preview notification will be delivered to each device you have registered for previews.

  2. Send Team Preview: A preview notification will be delivered to all platform users that have registered for previews for that domain.

If this is your first time sending a preview you will be prompted to accept notification permissions after you click the Send Preview button.

Registering Additional Preview Devices

If you'd like to receive notification previews on a different device from what you are using to create the notification, you may register additional devices. Please see the tooltip within the platform for information on how to register additional devices.

After accepting permissions:

  • If you only have access to one domain you will receive a confirmation message of successful subscription.

  • If you have access to multiple domains you will be presented with a dropdown list of domains. Select each domain for which you'd like to receive previews and then tap the Update Domain Registrations button to complete preview registration.

When finished, you can use the Send Personal Preview functionality from your desktop computer to begin receiving previews on the newly registered device.

The preview functionality will only work on devices that support web push.

Last updated