Self-Managed Integration

To make integrations easier the PushSDK automatically includes an extension of the FirebaseMessagingService class. However, you may have your own service and need to forward calls to the PushSDK in several scenarios including:

  • Conflicts with other SDKs

  • Conflicting third party development solutions

  • Our messaging service conflicts with your existing architecture

We suggest that you only consider a self-managed integration if you need to customize the integration with FirebaseMessaging. If you choose to use a self-managed integration you will need to ensure that any new releases to the PushSDK do not add additional methods that must be called manually.

Integrating Your Own Messaging Service

First you will want to remove the service automatically added by the PushSDK and add your own to the app manifest file.

    <!-- Remove the PushSDK messaging service -->
        tools:node="remove" />

    <!-- Add your own messaging service -->
            <action android:name="" />

Once you have added your own messaging service you'll also be required to place calls to the PushSDK to invoke the methods that are no longer automatically handled. If you do not implement all of the following methods the PushSDK may not function properly.

The methods you must call manually are:

  • PushSDK.handleOnNewToken(token: String)

  • PushSDK.handleOnMessageReceived(message: RemoteMessage)

Messaging Service Example

override fun onNewToken(token: String) {

override fun onMessageReceived(message: RemoteMessage) {

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