React Native

Step 1: Prerequisites

Android Requirements

All apps must have a Firebase project and matching credentials to capture subscriptions and send notifications. Follow the link below to create a Firebase project for your app and add the credentials to our platform.

Before you can integrate the SDK with your app the following requirements must be met:

  • Android device or emulator running API 19+ (Android 4.4) with Google Play Store Services installed.

  • An app that uses Jetpack (AndroidX)

  • Firebase Sender ID and Server API Key or Service Account. If you do not already have these follow our documentation to generate them.

  • SDK Key: Obtained from the Pushly Platform in the Domain Settings page under the Details > Domain Information section.

iOS Requirements

In order to begin subscribing users to notifications you must have either a P8 Key (recommended) or a P12 Certificate; Either of these can be generated via the Apple Developers portal.

  • An Apple Developer Account that has Admin privileges

  • Your application's App Bundle ID (e.g., com.pushly.example)

  • An iOS application or XCode project with the Push Notifications capability added

In addition to the above the following requirements must be met:

  • An iOS 11+ device (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch) to develop and test on.

    • Note: The XCode Simulator does not support remote push notifications. A physical device must be used.

  • A Mac OS device with XCode 13+ installed.

  • An iOS P12 Push Certificate or P8 Key. If you do not already have these follow our documentation to generate them.

  • SDK Key: Obtained from the Pushly Platform in the Domain Settings page under the Details > Domain Information section.

Last updated