Firebase App Setup

Instructions for creating the required credentials to enable Android notifications

Firebase App

First, go to the Firebase console, log in, and select your existing project or add a new project.

Within your project click the gear icon next to the Project Overview section in the sidebar and select Project Settings.

Next, navigate to the Cloud Messaging tab.

Firebase Cloud Message API (V1) Setup

At Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) make note of the Sender ID value. This will be used later in this process.

Next, click on the link to Manage Service Accounts and the Google Cloud console will open in a new tab.

Create Cloud Messaging Role

In the IAM & Admin sidebar, click on Roles.

Click the + Create Role button and fill in the following fields:

  • Title: Cloud Messaging Notification Create

  • ID: CloudMessagingNotificationCreate

  • Role launch stage: General Availability

Next, click the + Add Permissions button, filter down permissions to the text: cloudmessaging.messages.create select the checkbox for that permission and click the Add button.

Once you've added the permission click the Create button to finish creating the role.

Create Cloud Messaging Service Account

In the IAM & Admin sidebar, click on Service Accounts.

Click the + Create Service Account button and fill in the service account name field as Cloud Messaging and then click the Create and Continue button.

From the Select Role dropdown filter down to Cloud Messaging Notification Create and choose the role we created in the previous step and then click the Continue button.

Next, click the Done button to be returned back to the Service Accounts page.

At the Service accounts page, click on the email address link of the Cloud Messaging service account. On the following page, navigate to the Keys tab and click Add Key -> Create New Key.

Choose the JSON Key type and click the Create button.

After clicking the Create button a Service Account JSON file will be downloaded to your computer. This is the file that you will use in the next step when setting up the integration in the platform.

Enable Integration in Platform

Log into the platform, navigate to the Settings page, and locate the Send Integrations section.

From here, click the Edit button in the Send Integration header, enable the Native switch under the Android heading and:

  1. Enter the Firebase Sender ID that you retrieved earlier.

  2. Click the Upload your Service Account JSON File area and choose the file your downloaded in the previous step.

  3. Click the Submit button

If everything was entered correctly you should now see a section underneath Send Integrations that shows an active Android Native integration.

Once this step is complete you can continue with implementation of the SDK into your app

Cloud Messaging API (Legacy / Deprecated)

As of June 20, 2023, Google has deprecated the legacy FCM APIs and sending messages using them will no longer function starting June 2024.

As-such we recommend using the V1 instructions above to avoid interruptions in your future notification delivery.

If the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) is marked as disabled you will need to enable it.

Follow these steps:

  • Click on the 3 dots next to Cloud Messaging API (Legacy)

  • Select Manage API on Google Cloud Console

  • Click Enable on the tab that opened

  • After the page reloads you can close this tab and return to the Firebase Console

  • On the Firebase Console tab refresh the page to reflect the enabled API

Once the legacy API has been enabled the Server Key and Sender ID will be displayed. Copy down each of these values and proceed to the Pushly platform.

Log into the platform, navigate to the Settings page, and locate the Send Integrations section.

From here, click the Edit button in the Send Integration header, enable the Native switch under the Android heading and:

  1. Enter the Firebase Sender ID

  2. Choose Legacy from the pill selection

  3. Enter the Server Key

  4. Click the Submit button

If everything was entered correctly you should now see a section underneath Send Integrations that shows an active Android Native integration.

Once this step is complete you can continue with implementation of the SDK into your app

Last updated